Our Story

Born and raised in the heart of New Jersey, I grew up steeped in American culture and traditions, my identity seamlessly woven into the fabric of this nation. Yet, from a young age, the world around me told a different story. Was it the shape of my almond eyes? The black hair that framed my face? My small stature? Despite the decades that have passed, now living as an adult still in New Jersey, those silent (and not-so-silent) judgments persist. I still encounter the stares, the puzzled glances, and the frustration of derogatory slurs. Today, my pain and frustrations are compounded as I see my children go through the same experiences.

It took me a long journey of self-discovery to understand that racism is not the disease but a symptom of a deeper, more pervasive issue. Join us as we share our stories, transforming ignorance in all its forms into powerful, teachable moments that challenge and encourage. Let's make our stories heard, and heard loudly.